Order Tracking
If you pay with PayPal, the staff will submit the tracking code for the goods to PayPal within 7 business days. You can log in to your PayPal account to view the details.
If you pay via a payment method other than PayPal (such as Western Union, T/T Money Transfer), you need to contact us via email and get the tracking code for the package.
In exceptional cases, please stay calm, you can contact us via email or other social apps and your problem will eventually be solved.
About Shipping
Usually, we will ship the goods within three working days after you make the payment. The package will arrive at the International Airport consolidation warehouse within the fourth working day and fly to the destination country within the fifth to seventh working days.
No matter which country/region you are in, the flight time of the aircraft will not exceed 3 days. After that, the package will arrive at the customs of the destination country to start the customs clearance process, and finally the package will be delivered to the buyer through the relevant courier company (such as UPS, FedEx, DHL). It usually takes 15 to 25 working days to reach the buyer (Due to COVID-19, the specific time limit is not stable, you can also choose other logistics on the payment page).
If there is no direct flight to your country, we will transport your package by cross-border car, container sea or cross-border train. The shipping cycle is about 25-45 working days.
For countries that do not support shipping from China, we will refund the order as soon as we receive the order reminder, or the buyer can contact us via email and WhatsApp in time to find a solution for transshipment through other countries.
About customs clearance
In accordance with international practice and relevant regulations, the buyer is obliged to independently complete the tax payment and customs clearance procedures after the goods arrive at the customs of the country of destination, and the seller is obliged to provide the buyer with the documents required for customs clearance.
Different countries have different customs and tax standards. Before ordering goods, the buyer should carefully read the relevant commodity import tax instructions.
Tax starting Point
Usually, we will assess the size and weight of the package before shipment, and fill out the customs declaration form at a reasonable price. When the goods arrive at the customs of the destination country, the buyer must pay customs duties in accordance with the country's customs tax notice.